
 Dear Readers,

What do you expect your car to look like in 2041? At first glance, it will probably look much like the one you drive today. But will it have a steering wheel, and if so, how often will you use it? Will it be powered by fossil fuels, synthetic fuels, or perhaps batteries or hydrogen fuel cells? And will it even be yours? If not, to whom will it belong?

The fact that these questions are so difficult to answer underscores the depth of the automotive sector’s ongoing transformation, as the technologies that enabled the Internet of Things – ubiquitous sensing, cheap and abundant processing power, and wireless communication – firmly establish themselves on the list of components needed to build cars.

In this edition of the u-blox technology magazine, we explore the challenges and opportunities created by increasingly autonomous vehicles. In our feature articles, we examine some of the technologies behind this transformation, including increasingly sophisticated satellite-based positioning solutions. We offer our perspective on how wireless technology can add value to electric vehicle charging stations. And we take you on a whistlestop-tour of the five largest automotive markets.

Our expert interview brings together Mathias Reimann, Vice President Engineering, GNSS & Inertial Sensors at Bosch with u-blox’s Stefania Sesia, Head of Application Marketing Automotive, to discuss the trends driving innovation in the automotive sector, and how they are already impacting car OEMs and their suppliers.

Finally, looking inwards, we present Sapcorda, our latest strategic acquisition, which we see playing a key enabling role in making highly autonomous vehicles a reality.

We wish you an insightful and enjoyable read!


Thomas Seiler, CEO

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